Extra Resources:
Use these resources to continue to engage you or your child in the world of programming!
Developed by MIT, Scratch is a block-based programming language and online program geared toward kids. This platform does a phenomenal job helping kids learn coding through creating games, animations, text, stories, etc through block code.
Code.org is a non-profit organization whose goal is to diversify STEM education and make it accessible to as many kids as possible in their education. This program has lessons tailored to specific grade levels and age groups, allowing them to create games or, for older kids, create full-functioning apps.
Created through Microsoft, MakeCode gives kids access to coding resources that introduce them to different ways to program with How-To videos and projects with Minecraft and more.
Hopscotch is a fun and interactive mobile app that lets kids build engaging games and projects. It includes a YouTube channel and forum to ask questions to help your child learn and understand confusing concepts.